September 2016
February 2016 -
Solutions & Certainty
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June 10 2015 - 2015 Milestone Achieved
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January 29 2014 - 2014 Milestone Achieved
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April 2013
Greenpeace site profiles the Great Bear Rainforest solution.
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February 21 2013
Independent Audit Finds Good Practices by Interfor in the Great Bear Rainforest
February 2013
June 29 2012
CFCI Implements Northern Goshawk Conservation Initiative
The coastal subspecies of the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis laingi) breeds and nests in the Great Bear Rainforest and is a focus of EBM conservation efforts. Incorporating expert advice, the Coast Forest Conservation Initiative has developed and is implementing a set of procedures and practices intended to maintain the integrity and long-term viability of Northern Goshawk nesting and post-fledging areas in the region.
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September 2011
CFCI launches rebranded web presence
December 31 2009
CFCI receives independent auditor's progress assessment on EBM Implementation Milestones
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March 31 2009
BC Government announces completion of the land use plan for the Great Bear Rainforest and implementation of a framework to guide ecosystem-based management.
May 2007
WWF Gift to the Earth Award. By recognizing the Great Bear Rainforest with its highest honour, the Gift to the Earth award, the World Wildlife Fund celebrated environmental leadership and a contribution to global conservation.